Malware Trends Set to Continue

Phishing is popular for stealing credentials, and malware works well for taking data and obtaining full control of a businesses server through the backdoor. Below are some malware trends that are likely to continue into next year, 2022.


Studies into cybersecurity and the effects from Coronavirus lockdowns showed a massive spike in attacks and against corporations and work-from-home employees, in particular phishing attacks and spam. Researchers found that attacks using phishing as a vector were up by 667%.


Extorting money or stealing data from a victim usually requires the use of malware. Taking the data and selling it on the dark-net markets is one of many ways an attacker can get money. Attackers useTrojan software such as Agent Tesla, which is a malicious malware that organizations must be aware of to protect their employees, clients and data.

Ransomware is another way for attackers to steal login credentials and other data without the user knowing it is happening, or has taken place. It can sit quietly on your systems until the cyberattacker is ready to wreak havoc.

Encrypting Malware

Attackers now use encryption to hide malware attacks, which allows the ability to protect the attackers code whilst hiding from monitors. It is harder for cybersecurity researchers to find it once it has been deployed to a network device, such as a desktop or server.

Malware Protection — TitanHQ

Cybersecurity Defense

Businesses can take steps to protect against attacks by implementing email security, which stops malicious messages from reaching a user’s inbox through email filtering.

Implementing the DNS layer to protect your organization from phishing and malware attacks should also be considered.

Using a multi-layered protection approach can help protect users from the full range of email threats, including malware, phishing and spam, which all businesses need to adopt.



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