Benefits in Communicating Cyber Risks for a MSP to SMB

There are benefits in communicating cyber risks for a MSP (managed service provider) to their SMB (small to medium business) clients and below are 5 of them.

SMB’s are generally focused on bringing in sales and concerned with business growth. Having an IT team of professionals can be costly to a small business. Opting to work with a MSP can draw benefits for a SMB too.

Benefits for a SMB to work with MSPs

  • MSPs provide guidance and direction
  • Detect issues and solve technical queries before they become a larger problem
  • MSP’s can enhance an existing IT team
  • Reduce the cost of a full IT team by being the outsourced team
  • Allow a business to scale with business needs

MSP’s are required for small businesses because the small business may feel that they are not a target to cyber attacks due to the size of business. However, 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses according to The Ponemon Institute. A survey by AT&T revealed that only 53% of businesses with less than 50 employees place a high priority on cybersecurity compared to two thirds of a larger organization.

5 Ways for MSP to Communicate with their SMB about Cyber Risks

Hackers are continually targeting small businesses and this needs to be communicated by the MSP to their small business client and how operating in a small secure environment is essential to avoid costly business disruptions from cyber issues.

5 Ways for MSP to Communicate with their SMB about Cyber Risks

  1. Blogging and social media — sharing weekly updates on what is happening around you by utilising the likes of wordpress and cascading it via social media channels.
  2. Cybersecurity Audit — perform an audit that makes clients aware of how vulnerable their work may be for hackers to access.
  3. Live Seminars and Webinar — provide information via online and in-person on issues on cybersecurity by presenting to your audiences.
  4. Newsletters — keep clients updated with the latest trends and alerts on cybersecurity issues.
  5. Phishing simulations — using this method of training can assist in bringing home how easy it is to click on anything and what consequences it can bring to the SMB.

A MSP who can stay at the forefront of their customers needs and create value can help consolidate the business relationship with their client and create a competitive advantage.



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